Create the Right Estate Plan for Your Blended Family
In the modern world, blended families, those combining children from previous and current relationships, are almost as common as the
In the modern world, blended families, those combining children from previous and current relationships, are almost as common as the
A heath care directive is a legal document that lets you express your health care preferences and, if you wish, designate authority to someone to make care decisions for you, if you cannot make them yourself.
Crafting a carefully considered estate plan can ensure that asset distribution aligns with both your intended legacy and your beneficiaries’ needs.
Losing your spouse is a painful, confusing time, but add to that repeated calls from an aggressive debt collector and a bad situation suddenly can get even worse.
Wills often go through probate, which is the legal process for settling an estate. The rules are different for every state, so check with an attorney or your local county office to learn more.
Understanding what happens to your debt when you die is an important part of estate planning—and you don’t have to be rich to have an estate. Everything you own and owe makes up your estate. For many people, that includes a house with a mortgage.
One-quarter of Americans said inflation has caused them to think about estate planning, the survey said. Two out of three Americans said they don’t have any kind of estate planning documents.
Sometimes only taking the minimum IRA distribution can be a costly mistake. When deciding how much to withdraw this year, you need to consider the big picture. For some people, it makes sense to go big.
At some point in your life, there’s a good chance you’ll be tasked with acting as the executor of an estate. The designation is both an honor and an obligation.
Creating a will should be the first step in a comprehensive estate planning process, since it allows you to make sure that your wishes are properly carried out after your death.