How to Handle Finances after Spouse Dies
The death of a spouse is one of the most difficult things imaginable. Besides the emotional toll, surviving spouses typically confront financial issues, which often trigger tax-related questions and consequences. Some of them are fairly straightforward, while others can be tricky.
Does New Alzheimer’s Drug Offer Hope?
Cleveland Clinic recently published an article about a patient who received Aduhelm at the hospital, which served as a clinical trial site.
Does a Beneficiary on a Bank Account Override a Will?
Beneficiaries, in general, are people or entities that the holder of an account designates to receive the assets in the account, typically, in the event of the account holder’s death.
Have You Considered Estate Planning for Your Pet?
Whether referred to as companion animals, service animals or simply as pets, they play an important part in the lives of many. Owners can use estate planning tools to ensure their pets continue to receive proper care, if the owner becomes incapacitated or dies.
Can I Set Up a Trust for an Adult Child?
Creating a will is important for all adults, but particularly those who have dependents—including adult dependents. Adding a trust to your estate plan can provide even more guidance.
How Do I Stop Heirs from Foolishly Wasting Inheritance?
One of the biggest concerns a trust creator might have is that the beneficiary would squander their inheritance or that the beneficiary’s creditor would attach the inheritance to cover the beneficiary’s debt.
Be on the Lookout for Elder Abuse
Do you suspect, or know, that somebody has been stealing from you? Maybe it’s items from your home? Or maybe it’s your money? Or perhaps you’re being pressured by someone to keep giving them cash. If so, you are not alone. It’s called elder abuse.
Why Would I Need a Will or a Trust?
The estate tax exemption raised by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will sunset in five years—possibly sooner, as the new Congress gears up for a Biden tax overhaul.
Are More Vets Benefits Coming?
House appropriators backed White House plans for another big funding boost for the Department of Veterans Affairs next year in their first public budget draft released on Thursday.
Get Ready for Higher Taxes?
President Biden’s proposal to eliminate the step-up for calculating inheritance taxes targets a tactic that has long been a wealth-preservation tool. What are some of the ramifications of the proposal and what, after political wrangling, could be the tax implications for large inherited assets?