Top Products to Keep Solo Seniors Safer

All of these products have helped thousands live an easier, happier, safer and more independent life in the comfort of their own home.
Can Dementia Be Prevented?

Socializing, taking classes and exercising may boost your brain’s cognitive reserve and stave off memory and thinking problems down the road, a new study suggests.
What Impact will Inflation Have on Retirees?

Inflation hurts everyone. It seems to reach every sector, product and business in one way or another, whether it raises the cost of heating your home, lunches or road trips. However, if you’re a retiree, you may be particularly worried about inflation because your spending habits and income sources might be disproportionately exposed to inflation.
Can I Avoid Disagreements in My Family about Mom’s Caregiving?

Family members of all kinds have fought over money matters since time immemorial, but it may be worse for cash-strapped caregiving families. The costs of caregiving activities, including hiring aides, buying supplie, and covering medical and pharmacy copays, negatively affect family caregivers’ pocketbooks and morale.
What Is ‘Broken Heart Syndrome’?

Is it possible that grief is implicated in illness and a higher risk of death?
Estate Planning Tips for Solo Seniors

So, what happens with your estate plans if you are not in a traditional nuclear family? There is quite a lot that can fall under the umbrella of a non-traditional family, and the recommendations will vary depending on your specific circumstances.
What the Latest Dementia Study Says about Links with Certain Medicines

Controversy regarding the purported link between the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or histamine H2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) and risk for dementia continues.
Eat an Avocado for Your Heart

Try replacing your morning bacon with some of this.
How Much Sleep Should Seniors Get?

Sleeping too little or too much is associated with poorer cognitive performance and mental health.
What Do We Do If Dad’s Caregiver Dies?

A caregiving spouse dies, and their adult children are left unaware of their surviving parent’s needs and how to meet them.