Get Mom and Dad a Password Manager

password manager

Ever heard the phrase, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link?” The same goes for a financial portfolio: It’s only as safe as the password that protects it.

Why Do You Need a Will?

estate plan

A recent survey estimated that 68% of people die without a will. The consequences of dying without a will (‘intestate’) can be disastrous.

Did Monkee Mike Nesmith Have More Than One Will?


There was more than one will written by musician and music video pioneer Michael Nesmith, who came to fame in the 1960s as one of The Monkees rock group and died at his Carmel Valley home on Dec. 10, 2021.

Can You Inherit a House with a Mortgage?

divorce estate inventory

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. When inheritances, homes, estates and mortgages are involved, tensions can run high within a family. It is easy to get lost in the paperwork and terms.

Can I Protect My Inheritance from Divorce?

protect inheritance divorce

Your dad bequeathed you a generous sum of money on his passing. Those gifted and inherited assets, in many instances, will be considered ‘separate property,’ not marital property. That might mean that they might not be subject to division, if you divorce. However, perhaps you want to backstop that hoped for result to make the protection more likely to stick if your marriage doesn’t work out.

Non-Probate Assets are Not Part of the Estate

non-probate assets

In presentations regarding essential actions individuals should take regarding inheritance, emphasis is usually placed on drafting a will. This leaves unanswered what happens to assets that do not pass by will —so called non-probate assets.

How to Know If a Last Will Is Invalid


When considering whether to contest a decedent’s Last Will and Testament, an individual should consider whether red flags might be present which may point to a successful basis to challenge a disputed Will.