How to Handle Cryptocurrency in a Will

cryptocurrency in a will

The rapid rise in circulation and growing popularity of cryptocurrencies is prompting attorneys and estate planners to adjust, as digital assets are inherited through wills, trusts and estates, according to experts who warn of the danger of lost or misappropriated assets.

No Will? What Happens Now Can Be a Horror Show

dying without will

It’s hard for a family to recuperate when the patriarchs and matriarchs have gone to glory, leaving a battle for who will carry the family’s leadership role and manage the family’s transition of wealth.

What Should I Leave Out of My Will?

leave out of will

Unfortunately, there are several common missteps people make in their estate planning that can lead to unwanted results. Read on to discover the two things you should never include in your will, as well as what to substitute instead.

Common Estate Planning Mistakes

estate planning mistakes

Your last will and testament is one of the most important legal documents that you will ever make. It allows you to direct where you want your property, guardianship and debts to go after you die, and allows you to appoint an executor to act out your wishes.

The Gift Tax Exclusion and Minors–Some Tips

gift tax exclusion

In 2022, the annual exclusion for Federal Gift Taxes increased to $16,000 per person per year. Although there is near-universal acceptance of the importance of gifting, there are several issues you should consider before making any gifts.

Giving is the Plan: What About a Charitable Trust?

charitable trust

A charitable trust can be set up in different ways and have various tax impacts. Two common types are the charitable remainder trust and the charitable lead trust. There are also variations within these categories.